August 07, 2013

Japan's Civils Servants' Pension Ponders Asset Re-allocation

According to a Reuters report dated August 6th,

 "The pension fund for Japan's civil servants is considering changing its ultraconservative investment strategy to allow more of its $80 billion to go into stocks and less into domestic government bonds., people familiar with the matter said. The move by the Federation of National Public Service Personnel Mutual Aid Associations, which covers 1.24 million active and retired public servants, follows a shift towards riskier investments by Japan's Government Pension Investment Fund, the world's biggest pension fund with $1.2 trillion in assets."

"Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is pushing public funds to increase returns as part of measures to revive the economy's fortunes. His growth strategy seeks to mobilise Japan's enormous public savings, such as GPIF and the civil servants' pension fund."

"The civil service federation's decision, expected around autumn, also shows the influence of the giant GPIF. Although the broader fund only tweaked its investment strategy, its enormous financial firepower means a potentially big slowdown in investors' purchases of government debt, which is now being bought in massive amounts by the Bank of Japan as part of its aggressive monetary easing." 
"The federation is expected to change the portfolio model that is heavily weighted to domestic bonds," one of the sources told Reuters. "It is considering revising its investment strategy in a way to take more risks, especially after the change by GPIF."

"The civil service fund started working together with a private pension consultant company in June to review its portfolio model, the sources told Reuters."

"As of the end of March, the federation had invested 78.8 percent of its 7.8 trillion yen ($79.12 billion) portfolio in domestic bonds, 6.8 percent in domestic equities, 1.2 percent in foreign bonds, 5.3 percent in foreign stocks, 2.7 percent in short-term assets, 2.2 percent in real estate and 3.0 percent in loans."

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